Sukhwani Construction – Rent or Buy a House ?


More than walls, owning a home is an emotional subject and brings social security comfort. For some, it’s an accomplishment and a status symbol. The choice to rent or buy a home is a major decision important for one’s lifestyle as well as financial health. In metros, due to the increasing prices of real estate, have led people to opt for renting rather than buying. The choice between buying and renting is always challenging.

Sukhwani construction, Pune, for 30 years, has a vision with an inherent commitment towards the beautification of surrounding areas and helping in meeting the growing demand for housing in the region.

Below are some of the prominent reasons to own a house :

  1. Sense of Belongingness and relief :

Purchasing a house, the family gets their own space in a home. After a long working day with tedious travel and constant stress, returning to your own space brings a sense of security and comfort which is irreplaceable. There is no replacement to ‘home’ where one can be at ease without disturbance.

  1. Secureness :

Owning a home stops fear and anxiety caused by the possibility of termination of the lease agreement. So there is no need of renewing the rent agreement and negotiating on rent.

  1. No adjustments:

Renting brings adjusting to the situation, whereas buying a home is the ultimate decision after all mandatory requirements met. So no more adjustments.

  1. Easy financing :

Nowadays with increasing options of home financing, it’s become easy to get loans with minimal documentation and hassles. So buying a home becomes easy to go for.

  1. Tax benefits:

Interest paid on loans has tax rebates which are beneficial for financial planning. Renting is also tax-free up to a certain limit, however, tax benefits for home loans are capped on the higher side.

  1. Building asset:

Paying rent is an expense, as it will not contribute to building assets, whereas when you buy a home, though using a home loan, it’s always long-term asset creation. So it’s always good to pay for a Home loan EMI than rent as you yourself building your own asset.

  1. Investment option :

In metro cities, investing in a second home is lucrative as it provides regular payback. Also, the value of a home goes on increasing with time & can bring back value in multiples.


Now is the Right Time :

In today’s situation, extras are available to home buyers. So quicker ones get those additionally :


  1. Supply is higher: Supply is higher than demand so rates are on the lower side, so getting home is cheaper than earlier.


  1. Lowest interest rates: The government is supporting real estate sector by reducing reverse repo rates, which are benefiting customers to get home loans at much Interest rates than earlier. So it’s the right time to go for buying a home.


  1. Stimulus packages to buyers: The government is proving stimulus packages to promote first buyers. These are in tandem with home loan interest rates, so provide double benefits to the first buyers.


  1. Stability: Unlike stock markets or any commodity buying unpredictable nature in the current scenario, home buying always creates a stable asset and it will not be much affected by the market situation. So it’s really worth investing in buying a home as a long-term asset.


  1. Availability at reasonable prices: Currently the new home buying prices are reasonable and lower as compared to earlier days, which makes more sense to quickly make a buying decision of your dream home at a dream location.




Renting or buying is always an emotional but important financial decision for anyone. However looking at long term benefits mentioned above, it’s always imperial to buy a home.

To realize the dream of our all customers, for over the last 30 years, Sukhwani Constructions, delivered many high-quality, beautiful, spacious, and reasonable home projects, which are today stand tall as landmarks of location.